February 17 is Random Acts of Kindness Day! We’re sharing three special skills you and your little one can practice to help them become a kind kiddo AND the perfect costumes to encourage them to be their Super Selves, today and always. Learning Resources Super Selves! Reward Capes are just the thing to give kids the courage they need to practice sharing, caring, and being brave and just the right accessory for exercises like…
Sharing is an easy way to show kindness every day. Plus, kids who can share will find it much easier to make friends and build deeper relationships. They’ll also learn to be empathetic toward those who have less than they do and to be grateful for all that they do have. So, slip on the silky soft Super Selves Sharing Cape as a reminder and encourage your kids to share their…
- Snacks! Send a few extra pre-packaged snacks (chips, cookies, string cheese) to school with your sweetie. Encourage them to find a classmate who looks lonely or someone who doesn’t seem to have a snack and offer one of theirs. It’s an easy way to make someone’s day! (Note: check your school’s pandemic policies about sharing snacks – this may have to wait until we’re back to normal.)
- Toys! Practice sharing toys at home by asking if you can play with one your child has and offering one that you’re playing with. Once your child gets the hang of it, challenge them to share one of their toys with someone at preschool or daycare – maybe a new child or someone who looks like they could use a friend.
Showing that you care about someone is a wonderful way to show kindness. And there are so many ways for kids to show they care, from taking on an extra chore to surprising friends and family with artwork and other homemade gifts. Slip-on the Super Selves Caring Cape and try creating some things that show you care, like:
- Notes! A simple note is a great way to show you care. Help your kids think of something kind to say about each of their relatives, then have them draw a picture to go with their notes and pop them in the mail. Who doesn’t love to get a letter?

- Painted Rocks! Find a few medium-sized rocks, rinse them off, and pop them in the oven for 15 minutes or so at 350. Remove them, place them on a kitchen towel, and let your kids use crayons to make beautiful, melted masterpieces. Once they dry, use a Sharpie to write caring messages like “Kindness”, “Love”, “Peace”, and “Joy”, and plant them in your neighbors’ yards.

Sometimes being kind means going out on a limb. Things like waving at a neighbor or inviting the new student in the class to sit at your table may seem simple to you, but some kids find them scary. The Super Selves Bravery Cape can give your kiddo the confidence they need to…
- Smile! Smiling at an elderly person at the grocery store or the neighbor across the street can really make their day!
- Make Eye Contact! Looking someone in the eye when they’re speaking to you is both kind and respectful. Practice making eye contact with siblings and relatives, then be sure to remind your little one to do it out in public.
Be on the lookout for opportunities for your kiddo to show kindness every day. Model kindness yourself by holding doors for others, smiling at strangers, surprising friends with little gifts, and offering your help whenever you can and soon your kids will follow!
Author: Amy Opheim
3 Simple Skills Kids Can Practice to Encourage Kindness