Welcome autumn apple season! Bring apples to your classroom this fall for a delicious treat and for fun math and science lessons! Apples are my favorite fruit, and I eagerly welcome any and all apple-themed activities. My class was lucky enough to go to an apple orchard on a field trip in fourth grade (I highly recommend this if you have an orchard near you!), and we used some of the apples we picked for the class activities I’m going to share with you today!
Be sure to get your FREE apple-themed activities in the links below.
Apple Taste Test, Grades 1–6
It’s impossible to go wrong with this activity! Whether you have hand-picked apples from the orchard or fresh produce from the grocery store, this activity is fun for all grade levels and can be incorporated into engaging learning opportunities.
- Using at least three different types of apples, label each type Apple A, B, or
- Have your students close their eyes as they taste the apples, using describing words that you or a partner can write down. Challenge your students to get creative with their describing words
- Have students select a favorite apple (you can keep track of this and create a tally or chart for fun, or for a mini-lesson on percentages/fractions).
Download this free “An Apple a Day” activity. This template directs students to taste apples, write down describing words, and create their own apple poem using their experience!
Check out this blog for more ideas on how to use apples in the classroom or at home.
From My Farm to Your House: Art and Cooking Activities, Grades PreK–1
Mix up your fall lessons with this fun art activity for younger students. This unit includes instructions and some materials for making paper apples, seeds and all! These projects look great as fall décor in the classroom! Once children have designed their own paper apples, you can make applesauce with the included recipe! The unit also includes a packet to send home to parents with the same recipe you used in the classroom!
Download this free apple art and recipe activity here.
Apple Shape Book, Grades K–2
This activity includes a fun apple art activity and writing prompts for three different writing levels. Kindergarteners to second graders will love coloring and writing their own apple shape book! Prompts range from drawing and writing about the colors of apples to writing a short story about the last apple on the tree during autumn!
Download this free writing lesson here.
Johnny Appleseed and Apple Math, Grades 1–2
This apple activity checks all the boxes; it’s part art, part math, and part writing activity, but all parts fun! Students will color a mini-book about Johnny Appleseed, count the apples he picked, and write about the steps of making an apple pie.
Download this free mini-book and activity pages here.
A is for Apple, Grades 2–6
Students can write a thank-you note to Johnny Appleseed while they munch thoughtfully on an apple in this fun creative writing activity. This can be done in the classroom (you can cut up different kinds of apples to vary the describing words that students will use), or you can send it home for homework! Make an apple slice toast to Johnny Appleseed to honor all his hard work!
Download this free writing activity here.
The Science of Delicious
Though apples are a super yummy snack, I think Johnny Appleseed would agree that they also make fun science experiments!! Ever thought about how apple slices turn brown when they’re left out? What if there was a way to keep them looking fresh? Well, there is!! This fun experiment tests which solutions can keep apples looking pale and yummy!
- Materials
- Apples! (You’ll only need one, since you’ll be cutting it up for this experiment…but don’t cut it up yet!)
- Six bowls (They’ll need to be large enough that your apple slice will fit and be totally covered by the solution.)
- Paper (to label which bowl has which solution)
- And finally…the solutions themselves!
- 1 teaspoon baking powder mixed with 1 cup water
- 1 teaspoon lemon juice mixed with 1 cup water
- lemon lime soda
- ½ teaspoon salt mixed with 1 cup water
- 1 cup tap water
- control (just the apple slice)
- Instructions:
- Set out the bowls and label which solution is going to go in which bowl.
- Mix and prepare your solutions in separate bowls so they’re ready to go!
- Cut up your apple into six even pieces.
- You should only use one apple, as adding another apple to the mix could be an extra variable that may alter your results.
- Place an apple slice in each bowl.
- Cover each apple slice with the designated solution! Remember to leave the control alone, as that’s how you’ll know the natural effects.
- Leave the apples alone, checking back every 5 minutes to see how the apples are browning. Keep track of which apples are browning by writing down your results. You can make a colorful chart to keep track if you’d like
- After 10–15 minutes (depending on how fast your apples are browning) pour the solutions out, leaving just the apples
- Record the browning of the apples.
- Taste the apples! Record your findings.
Whether you have the chance to go to an apple orchard or not, apples are a fun and easy way to make your regular lessons a little sweeter (or more sour if you’re using granny smith)! Use the free downloads and activities in this blog to keep your autumn lesson plans interesting and fun! Happy fall!

About the Author
Christine Wooler has experience working with children as a youth soccer coach and summer camp counselor. She is currently studying English Literature and journalism in college. She enjoys exploring educational topics that help students have fun while learning..
Apple-Themed Science Experiments and Writing Activities for Fall