TIME FOR KIDS Informational Text 30 Book Set Grade 2

18391 SHE 18391 SHE 9781433373916

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    Find out what life is like in the rainforest, uncover the secrets of the human brain, step into the shoes of three inspiring individuals, and more with this 30-book collection. Supplement your reading program, build your classroom library, and enhance your intervention program with high-interest nonfiction leveled books. These colorful books feature content from TIME FOR KIDS®, with themes from science, mathematics, and social studies. Children will want to read these books that include familiar concepts, high-interest content, and a variety of colorful graphics.

    The titles in this collection include (titles may vary):

    Click Icon below for reading level details for each book in this series

    A Visit to a Car Factory

    A Visit to a Farm

    A Visit to a Marine Base

    Next Stop: Canada

    Next Stop Mexico

    Next Stop: The Caribbean


    Tornadoes and Hurricanes!


    Eagles Up Close

    Horses Up Close

    Snakes Up Close

    Craft It: Hand-Blown Glass

    Build It: Skyscrapers

    Make It: Chocolate

    Step into the Forest

    Step into the Desert

    Step into the Rainforest

    Our Earth

    Outer Space

    The Solar System

    Look Inside: Your Brain

    Look Inside: Your Skeleton and Muscles

    Look Inside: Your Heart and Lungs

    Count Me In! School Carnival

    Count Me In! Soccer Tournament

    Count Me In! What's for Lunch?

    George Washington

    Martin Luther King Jr

    Susan B. Anthony