48in X 72in Kidney Blow Molded Activity Table

AR4872-KID-27 COR AR4872-KID-27 COR

Dropship : $98.0
This item ships directly from the manufacturer. Please allow 2-4 weeks for delivery.

584.88 584.88 584.88 USD


  • Color
  • Leg Type

This combination does not exist.

Leg Type: Standard

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Blow-Molded Tops resist stains and damage from food, juices,  crayons, paint, and even permanent markers. Tops are light weight, scratch and impact resistant. Colors go all the way through, will not wear or scrape off . Free-Standing, full perimeter welded steel frames. Legs attach to frames with 3 bolts each (socket wrench required. ) Free SpeedWrench for fast height adjustments. Universal Activity Table Leg Set adjusts from 19” to 29” in 1” increments.  Leg upper is matte black paint with a straight chrome leg insert.