Eight Roll Vertical Paper Rack

R995 BP R995 BP

Dropship : $163.33
This item ships directly from the manufacturer. Please allow 2-4 weeks for delivery.

1,088.88 1,088.88 1088.88 USD


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    This four-sided vertical rack is a breakthrough in storing and dispensing large paper rolls in a small space.

    Easily moved from storeroom to classroom on heavy-duty casters, two of which are equipped with wheel locking devices for extra stability

    Spring-loaded blades dispense fast, even cuts

    Paper roll changes are made easy by pulling the blade to the open position and locking it into place

    Constructed of heavy-duty steel for durability and long life

    • Accommodates 8 36" (80 to 90cm) rolls up to 9" (23cm) in diameter, on 3" (8cm) core
    • Automatic blade locking device for easy roll changing and spring-loaded blades for sure cutting
    • Welded steel construction and strong functional design assure durable, long wear life
    • Finished in an attractive gray baked powder coat
    • Ships unassembled via UPS